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We do 3 kinds of tests: Allergy, Meridian blockage, Inner Fat teats,, to help you loss weight

الاختبار الجسدي الشخصي
(عيادة أو عبر الإنترنت

In the world, Trinity is the first company to promote Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Physique Examination on a large scale!


Constitution (Physique)refers to a state of existence that a person presents under the influence of congenital and acquired influences, which integrates the characteristics of physical structure, physiological function, and psychological state. 


These individual traits determine your life behaviour, your susceptibility to disease-causing factors, and the course of disease development. 


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Constitutions are divided into 9 types, including Peaceful, Qi-deficiency, Yang-deficiency, Yin-deficiency, Phlegm-dampness, Damp-heat, and Blood stasis. Qi stagnation, Special temperament. 


If a person’s constitution is deviated from Peaceful physique, it is easy to get into state of Sub-Healthy, which is the middle transition state of sickness and health.

Many adults are in sub-health without pay attention, they often feel tired, weakened, poor sleep, indigestion, not interested in things, with dark complexion etc.


We have 2 ways to test your physique situation: online or visit our shop sites.


1, Self-test to answer a form

Physique Device Measure & Report

Please go to our Ealing Broadway branch (16 The Mall, W5 2PJ) to have devices tests, you will get 3 relative reports:


1.   Basic Physique report according to your pulse measurement measured by a smart bracelet.


2.   Body components report, which show information such as your internal fat, muscle ratio etc. You can know whether you are invisible fat.


3.   Doctor will recommend a list of foods that are most suitable for you according to your physique reports. 


4.   We have health kitchen to make out meals for you, you only need book online, we will send healthy meals to your home.

Casual Wear

القضاء على السمنة غير المرئية والتحكم في الوزن

"مؤشر كتلة جسمي أقل من 24 ، لذا فأنا لست سمنة وآمنة."



السمنة الخفية هي دهون تنمو داخل الأعضاء وتسبب المزيد من الضرر لجسم الإنسان!


الكبد الدهني ، والقلب الدهني ، وأمراض القلب ، والسكري ، وارتفاع ضغط الدم ، والتهاب المفاصل ، والاكتئاب ، والعقم ، والصداع ، والدوالي ، إلخ ...


تزيد السمنة غير المرئية من خطر الوفاة بنسبة 5-20 مرة أكثر من الشخص الذي يتمتع بأعضاء داخلية سليمة!


لذلك إذا كانت السمنة قاتلاً رئيسياً لصحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ،
سمنة البطن هي الحافة الحادة في يد القاتل!


كيف تحكم في وجود دهون حشوية زائدة؟


الطريقة الأكثر خشونة هي قياس نسبة الخصر إلى الورك

"الخصر سمكا ، أقصر العمر الافتراضي."


نسبة الخصر إلى الورك = محيط الخصر ÷ محيط الورك

إذا كان الذكر 0.9 ، والأنثى 0.8 أو أكثر ، فإنهم يعانون من السمنة غير المرئية.


هناك طريقة أكثر دقة وهي استخدام جهاز تحليل الجسم البشري لتحديد نسبة الدهون تحت الجلد إلى الدهون الحشوية.


لحسن الحظ ، على الرغم من سهولة تراكم الدهون الحشوية ، يمكن تحسينها من خلال تغيير عادات نمط الحياة السيئة ، وكذلك استخدام الطب الصيني التقليدي لزيادة كمية طاقة Qi والدم ، يمكن التخلص من الدهون الحشوية بسرعة.

Waist-hip_ratio can check your inside visceral fat.
Burn Fat Lose Weight Bag Device
Probiotic is important to maintain health body shape
Acupuncture or hot cupping are also help lose weight safely.
Nutrition research multiple dishes in one meal, which is good for health.
Professional body fat scale.

Healthy diets 


What is a healthy diet? Many people have misunderstandings about what a healthy diet is. 





Is it healthy to be vegetarian for a long time? The human body needs to eat meat, because meat provides the necessary fat and protein. For example, phospholipids are an important component of biological membranes, and proteins are essential nutrients for the synthesis of immune cells. A low-fat diet may lead to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, or elevated triglycerides, which can increase the risk of heart disease.











The staple food is high in calories, is it easy to gain weight after eating it? In fact, 1 gram of fat produces 9 kilocalories, and 1 gram of carbohydrates only produces 4 kilocalories, which is less than half. The calories of 1 chicken wing are equivalent to a bowl of 150 grams rice. Carbohydrates are the cleanest and most efficient source of energy and provide a feeling of satiety, which is beneficial for weight loss.









Some people think that eating healthy means not being able to eat enough to enjoy the joy and satisfaction that food brings. When it comes to losing weight, many people repeatedly fall into a vicious cycle of excessive restraint and deliberate indulgence, and they struggle inside.


For individuals, eating is something that needs to be learned. People with different physiques should eat different foods, which can be described as "your delicacy, his toxin arsenic".











The diet also needs to be balanced. There is no junk food in the world, the key is on how we use it. Only by referring to the dietary health guidelines of government, comprehensively ingesting nutrients can let the metabolic process proceed smoothly.


In Pureland Wellness & Beauty, we have traditional Chinese medicine doctors, nutritionists, and chefs. According to different physiques and different groups, we provide corresponding meals. For different special needs, such as weight loss, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., we will also provide diets with health benefits.

Correct meal is important to keep nice skin .
Satisfaction from food  often cause too much eating.


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